Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Silver Sunday Vignette as The Countdown Continues

I have this vintage-style silver tray I purchased at Michael's a few years ago that has evolved into my seasonal living room table top vignette. I didn't buy it with that in mind. It was one of those 'oooh that's pretty, don't know what I'll do with it, but I'll find someplace to put it" purchases. How funny that it's now a focal point! The candelabra is an antique store find that I dress up with a touch of greenery this time of year. The silver teapot is from a church rummage sale. I perched a gold glittery bird on top. A couple of silvery garlands are strewn throughout.
An old textile spool with glittered lace, pheasant salt and pepper shakers (estate sale find) and other assorted bits and pieces are thrown in. The Christmas topiaries are from my days (actually 11 years!) of selling Christmas Around The World. Anyone remember them?
I'm linked with Silver Sunday at Gypsy Fish where you'll find links to all sorts of wonderful Silver Sunday bloggers.

How about pinking it up a little with the next Coundown to Christmas matchbox from Tracy, of Sunset 97
I love the retro look and pink/green color combo. And the sugared earrings are adorable!

Kelly, ofLove of Laundry
made this cute Santa box and snowflake bobbypin.
Thank you Tracy and Kelly!


  1. Love your Micheal's find. Isn't it funny how things you have no plans for end up being so perfect? Serendipity is a wonderful thing!

  2. Great viginette-I love it-thanks -I did like up with Silver Sunday on both my blogs-thanks for mentioning it!

  3. Love those pink earings. I could just eat them right up.

  4. Hello Joanne,
    that is a beautiful vignette with all the nice items. Love tha doilie, it looks as if snowstars are around the things. Silver an dwhite is always festive and winterly.
    Greetings, Johanna

  5. I am loving that gorgeous candleabra. You have a very nice eye for display.

  6. Hi, love your big tray--I got one-- but in round shape, and they alwayes looks great ,with seaconed vignettes apun,them-like yours.
    Thanks for your swet vivit.
    XO, Dorthe

  7. Wow what a festive and beautiful centerpiece...your Christmas dinner guests will surely love it!
    Thanks for playing along and have a wonderful Holiday!

  8. Hi Joanne,
    beautiful vignette - love it.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day.

  9. Hello Miss Joanne!
    Just Popped over to say Merry Christmas to you!
    Happy Monday Friend!
