Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 2 & Some Fun, Free, Festive Links for You!

It's Day 2 of the Countdown to Christmas Matchbox Swap and I have a rosy little box from Liz of Buttercreme and Roses to share. Thank you Liz! You did such a beautiful job embellishing with the glitter, seam binding, ribbon and buttons!

Now, on to the links I promised. The first is Lisa Vollrath's
5th Annual Original Printables Holiday Countdown
. Every day through Christmas Lisa posts a new FREE collage sheet. I promise, you won't be disappointed! Please read through her terms of use and be sure to post a link before downloading. Also, visit Lisa's
Ten Two Studios for some inspiration and shopping fun. The Countdown is supported in part by purchases made at Ten Two Studios.
Speaking of inspiration, today is the second day of The 12 Tags of Christmas,
a 12 day annual tutorial-fest hosted by the incredible Tim Holtz. Nobody does tags like Tim.
Have fun!


  1. Thanks for the links...I just love Tim's tags!

  2. Oh, how adorable!!! How have you been? Good, I hope! And I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!!

  3. Isn't this a fun swap. Just wanted to let you know that I received your # 6. Thank you. It is beautiful. It will be featured on my blog Monday.

  4. Hello! I'm having lots of fun listening to your Christmas music and viewing the lovely matchboxes from our swap!

  5. hi,

    i'm a swapper blog hopping and just popping in to see your matchboxes... your first two are very nice....
    i also like the ones you made very much....and you will find out how much at a later date... ;)

    i'm still on a hunt for my #2 matchbox that i made...

    cya later,


  6. Beautiful pinks in that matchbox and what could be better than a vintage milk cap!

  7. hi there JoAnne. I was wondering if you could help me out. I have emailed Cindy, but i was wondering if you could email me the address to where we send our gothic ornaments? I failed to get it in all my crafting and such. If you have it could you please give it to me
    It is already to send, but I don't know where to send it. Thanks so much. also isn't this match box hop fun.

  8. I'm back again JoAnne, to let you know that I have your matchbox number 4 and have just posted it on my blog. I love it, thank you so much x
