Friday, December 24, 2010

...and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

Look how festive day 23's box is from Amy, of

Christmas Eve and the box from Angela, of
Pages By The Sea
couldn't be more perfect! It's vintage charm...and that Santa Key stole my heart.

Speaking of heart stealing, Christmas Day's box from Becky, of
Don't Look Back
had this precious hand knit mitten inside!
Many thanks to Amy, Angela and Becky for wrapping up this countdown so beautifully.
And HUGE holiday hugs go out to our wonderful swap hostess, Linda, of
A Swap for All Seasons.
Linda had 75 of us, each making 25 matchboxes and gifts, and had them packaged and swapped out to all, with time to spare before our December 1 countdown began.


  1. You have all done a fabulous job and I have enjoyed each and every day. Merry Christmas.

  2. Merry Christmas Dear Joanne!
    May Peace and Joy Find you and your Family in the Coming New Year!
    Many Blessings and Hugs

  3. I just wanted to stop in and wish you a Merry Christmas and to thank you for participating in the Matchbox Swap! Linda
