Monday, November 22, 2010

What DID That Giveaway Winner Get?

Remember the Celebrate the Sisterhood Giveaway? The one where I would put together a package JUST FOR YOU, based on what I knew about you via your blog?
Michele of Something Special won that giveaway and her blog is a delight! She's a scrapbooker, collector of vintage and all-around gifted artist. So it was lots of fun putting together a little something for her.
USPS Track & Confirm tells me it's been delivered so I can now share Michele's surprise package.

Enjoy Michele! Thanks to everyone who entered and left such thoughtful and kind words. I'll come up with another something soon.....


  1. Oh yes, I am enjoying it already. Your pictures are much better than mine, but do come and see the post I did all about it. There was a huge smile on my face today. I loved loved loved going through that package and I will use it all!

  2. Dear Joanne
    Happy Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Family!
