Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Very Sassy Ornament Exchange

Our hostess for this swap is Marsha of Sassy Mini Dolls. I was attempting to limit the number of swaps I was participating in (remember when I was looking for my local chapter of SA, Swappers Anonymous?) when Marsha announced her swap. I HAD to sign up though - because it was Marsha!
She was one of the first bloggers I met when I entered the blogisphere about 8 months ago. She's been a cheerleader, an awesome swap partner, an inspiration, (check out her blog and you'll KNOW what I'm talking about!), a sweetheart and now a dear friend.
And what's one more ornament in the big picture anyway? I decided I could use a break from paper and burlap and pulled out the beeswax.
Here's what I made for my partner, Kate of Crazy Purple Mom.
I used this vintage Brown Bag Cookie Mold to make the bear,

then finished him with some pigment highlights and a Christmas plaid ribbon for hanging.

Kate does absolutely beautiful cross-stitch and gifted me with not only this very special ornament, but a cross-stitched tea towel and some funky buttons as well!

Many thanks again Kate for these cherished gifts.

I hope you'll all stop back tomorrow. It's the start of See you then!


  1. Ohhh, what wonderful ornaments! Ah, you're making me blush :)

    You are so talented!!

    I am over the moon at what I received from Margaret, the French Bear!


  2. Really unique ornaments! Happy holiday season

  3. Wasn't this a fun party. We are all so lucky to have received such wonderful things.

    Best wishes always,

  4. Gorgeous gifts!!!!! I love stitching and teddy bears, so that would make me swoon!!!!
    Margaret B

  5. Hi JoAnne! I have your adorable matchbox featured for my first day of the Christmas swap! Thank you so much, you did a fantastic job on the matchbox and trinket! Happy Holidays!!!Marcia

  6. Love the ornies. The one you sent and the one you received Ÿ

  7. You both received wonderful ornaments in this swap. It has been fun looking at the different and very creative ornaments.

  8. I'm really enjoying looking at all the peoples blogs, that were involved in the exchange and seeing what Ornaments they sent and received.
