Friday, October 22, 2010

A Tea Party Under A Halloween Moon

The lovely and bewitching Anna of Frosted Petunias is our hostess. If you haven't visited Anna this magical season, now is the time. Her blog truly is hauntingly beautiful.
Mine is a Halloween Gratitude Tea. So grab a spot while I extend some big Halloween hugs to some very special new friends.
Allow me to introduce Linda, of Olde Baggs 'N Stuft Shirts. Linda makes some of the most charming Halloween art you've ever seen. So I jumped at the chance to enter her giveaway for an amazing witch's hat. I didn't win the hat but Linda contacted me to say I was chosen for a special Halloween surprise.
I certainly was surprised. I never expected so many goodies!
Isn't this huge rosette wall hanging amazing? I love the fact that the pleated newsprint is old Sears catalog pages.
And I found the perfect spot for it. Thank you Linda for making me the happiest "non-winner" ever!

I entered another giveaway at Because We Believe-Art and the Halloween gods must be smiling down upon me because I was one of their winners too. My gift came this week from Tammy of Light and Shadow Studio. Tammy is a full-time artist who works in many mediums, her favorite being sculpting paper clay. Her love of this art form certainly shows-look at this black cat ornament!!! Enlarge the photo because the detail is incredible. Thank you Tammy, your cat has found a good home.

How appropriate to wrap up my little tea party with an inspired etsy shop named Art Tea Life and it's proprietor. Sandy, the artist and owner, creates some of the freshest, most unique and easy-to-play-with collage sheets I've come across in a long time. Her designs are created to please everyone-paper dolls, Alice, Marie (we're all on a first name basis with these girls. aren't we?), banners, victorian, Christmas, and yes, Halloween.
Sweet Sandy gifted me with some amazing designs. I used a few to make my little bingo card. (Those glasses are the best!) Many thanks to Sandy. I appreciate your work and kind heart.
Thanks for stopping by my Halloween Gratitude Tea. I'm grateful to each of you for visiting me.


  1. Joanna wonderful surprises in your mail ,isn't wonderful when that happens I received a surprise parcel this morning from Becky.. hope you'll pop over to see my post I'm having a giveaway and to share some halloween magic under the moon. hugs & BOOs Wendy

  2. How very kind of you to include my doo dad in your posting. Glad you enjoyed. Happy Halloween and it was a great gratitude tea. Best Witches, The Olde Bagg, Linda

  3. what fab prizes. I love receiving surprise parcels. hope you will drop me a vist for my post. hugs Sara

  4. Wonderful blog tea party JoAnne! Happy Full Moon! xoxo

  5. wonderful pieces of art....those little cups and tea pot are sooo sweet

  6. Your decorations are lovely... the fireplace looks spooky as ever. Great post.

  7. Hello My Friend!
    Your Work is Always Wonderful!
    I Love the Spooky Kitty!!
    Thank You for Tea!
    I Always Enjoy My Visit!

  8. What wonderful goodies you've won! Your fireplace looks great. Thank you for the tea!

  9. a wonderful post full of goodies! have a happy hallowe'en! xo

  10. What a wonderfully delightful time. You have won some beautiful creations, and those are definitely some talented girls. I love what you did with the Bingo card. Enchanting.
    Please come on by for some Magical Tea and Scrumptious Whimsy,
    Spells and Wishes,
    Wendy from Wonderland

  11. You are so sweet for including me in your tea party! Thank you so much for saying such nice things about my work, it's nice to know that it ended up in a home where Halloween is loved and celebrated so much. I have had such a wonderful time wandering around your blog and of course had to become a follower! I am so glad to find a fellow artist with the same interests.

  12. Wonderful party, isn't it lovely to get surprises in the post.

  13. Joanna I love how you honored your friends with your enchanting tea. I have found the blogging community to be so generous with their art and gifts and I'm grateful as well. Thank you for sharing your party and I have to say I just LOVE that little teapot!


  14. I enjoyed your Halloween Gratitude Tea. What a wonderful idea! These are some very talented folk you introduced us to. :)

    If you haven't already done so, please feel free to stop by my little owl tea party:

    Enjoy the parties!

  15. What wonderful artists! You are lucky to win all those awesome items. I love your little mini Halloween tea set!

  16. Oh I am a little bit jealous that you won something from Because we Believe-art. But really I am happy to know someone who won a prize in their most excellent giveaway. I had you button up on my sidebar but the
    picture was not working, so I am going to try and just put the picture up without the code. I love your blog!

  17. what lovely goodies you have here..
    and how wonderful your surprises are,
    have a great day!

  18. Where to start ! WHERE TO START !?

    You have such a gorgeous blog.

    You write so well and take nice photos too.

    so much to see and do here ! inspiring !!!

    You are SUPER UBER CReative !

    congrats on winning the giveaway

    But....WOW , can I say how much I love the BINGO card

    With the way you made the little trick or treater

    Come A l i v e !

    I am going back to re read your blog.

    (a million thanks for the link - that was very very nice of you)

    xoxoxo- Love how Linda in NM signed

    "Best Witches"


  19. Is the BINGO card available for sale in your ETSY shoppe ???

    Make some ! I want to buy one

    excuse me, manners ::: P L E A S E

  20. And madame ! thank you so much for The Tea.

  21. What a wonderful tea! Your "supplies" are lovely and I adore your pumpkin tea cups! They are adorable!
    Take care,

  22. How lovely!! I enjoyed your tea party very much.
    Brightest Blessings, Seshat

  23. thanks for tea, thanks for sharing...I made ArtTeaLife one of my fav stores...she will definitely be hearing from me :)


    come visit:

  24. JoAnn, what wonderful things - you are so lucky!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog - I was just about to hop over to see you when your post came to my email. So funny that you had already seen the Somerset Studio magazine and had spied my tussie mussie. I had no idea they had used it until I got my magazine out of the mailbox! LOL.

  25. Those are some very cute decorations.

  26. A very beautiful idea for this Halloween Tea. Always great meeting new and very talented friends. Loved all of the decorations, especially your tiny Halloween Tea set. I have a little one too that I was lucky to find a few weeks before Anna's party at a sale for United Way.Thanks for the lovely tea, had a great time here.

    Luv to have you drop in for some tea and a chance to win the soldered seashell bottle I made for the draw this coming Halloween Sunday October 31st/2010
    Happy Haunting and a very Spooky Halloween.

    The Wood Beyond The World ......

    ( )

