Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cigar Smoking Sorority Sisters

Not really, but the title kind of grabs you, doesn't it? The Blogorette Sorority Sisters didn't necessarily smoke the cigars but our mission was to decorate a cigar box and fill it with fall findings for our secret sorority sister. Our House Mother, aka, Karen of Some Days Are Diamonds hosted this first ever Blogerette Swap and assigned our partners under a shroud of sorority secrecy. In the dark of night we crept around each others blogs to ascertain likes and dislikes before the creating, purchasing and decorating began. For weeks the suspense built, and then -
the postman came! and brought me this beautiful box from Ceekay of
Thinkin' of Home.

I fell in love instantly with the muted brown toile fabric and layered rosette!

Inside were all kinds of fun fall goodies.....

including this oh-so-sweet handmade plaque. Huge harvest hugs to my sorority sister and friend Ceekay!

While Ceekay was preparing all of that for me, I was busy finding just the right items for her. A few days after Karen announced this swap I was at an estate sale and scored this really cool wooden cigar box. I embellished with a vintage doily and one of my handmade rosettes,

assembled my specially selected Ceekay items,

stuffed that box as best I could,

and off it went with my best wishes!

Saturday is our Fall Findings Reveal Day (some of us simply could not wait!). If you'd like to see what the talented and creative Blogerettes came up with, visit our "Sorority House" for all the links. It's a BIG house-you might want to think about joining the sisterhood yourself.....


    And you're right - it was a big secret!
    I know CeeKay had a BALL shopping and creating for you! (She E-mailed me right away when she got your box - squealing with delight!) She is such a sweetheart.
    Your box to her was just fabulous!
    I'm so glad you joined in!
    Have a great weekend! Karen

  2. Both boxes are devine. I'm off to have a look at these sisters of yours!

  3. OMG, what fabulous boxes!!

    I haven't received mine :(

  4. You got great pics of the boxes....fabulous!! Have a great weekend.

  5. These are so pretty! What a great way to really get to know your "sisters"!

  6. I think you both did a wonderful job with the swap. This was my first and I could learn from you both. My partner and I won't be doing the reveal for a few days...unusual circumstances...but, I'm having fun seeing the others and getting great ideas for next time! Wasn't this fun?

  7. Both the box you made and the one you received are beautiful. I participated too but I'm not as talented as you! I'm going to have to practice. It was so much fun.

  8. Great clever post! Ceekay's box to you is gorgeous and I love every beautiful goodie in it!
    Your box is precious! Where did you find that amazing cameo?

  9. Hi JoAnne,
    both boxes are absolutely beautiful.
    What a fun swap.Have a spooktacular weekend.

  10. The two of you were a perfect match! What beautiful boxes...and so many beautiful, wonderful gifts!

    And, I LOVE your post creative lady!

  11. I love what you did with Ceekay's box! How cool that you found a wooden one and the big flower you made is just fabulous!
    And the goodies inside!!! Wow,Wow, Wow, lucky Ceekay indeed!

  12. I agree...both boxes have the W.O.W. factor!!! this was a great swap...hope Karen thinks up another one for the sistahs...

  13. Gorgeous! this swap was soo much fun! thanks for sharing!


  14. What beautiful cigar boxes. I missed this one, bummer. Thanks for the aniversary wish, We are going out to dinner tonight, should be fun. Dont forget to come back on Monday to check out my Giveaway. Hugs, Carol Mae

  15. Wow.. such adorable boxes! Two great swap partners!

    Happy Fall ♥

  16. Looks like I missed out on another wonderful swap. I have been quite busy with others, but this one looked fantastic.

  17. gorgeous boxes and so many wonderful treasures! Hope you have a Happy Halloween!

  18. How pretty! I love the vintage key you got and I love the way you box was decorated!

  19. Dear Joanne,
    What a wonderfull swap,-I love the beautifull cigar box you filled with wonderfull things,--and the one you resieved are so wonderfull,too.
    Wish you a happy halloweens eve,dear.

  20. what a wonderful post and what fabulous goodies! the sorority sisters are a-ok! xo

  21. Gorgeous boxes! Great goodies inside!
