Monday, August 30, 2010

Welcome Autumn with Halloween Goodies, A Linky Party, A Workshop and a GIVEAWAY!!!!

It may be 89 degrees here today but I can't wait. I gave my blog an autumn facelift- isn't that header fall-a-rific? Tiffany Jane made it for me. Her website has links to her etsy shop and flickr gallery
where you'll find lots and lots of eye candy for every season.

I couldn't resist this workshop called Romantic Gothic Ghosts. If you enjoy Halloween (or even if you don't!) this is worth checking out. It's not your traditional Halloween. No orange and black, no frightening images. Romance, intrigue and hauntingly beautiful sepia and black & white images are used to create a multitude of Halloween and/or non-Halloween projects. Karla and Beth are hosting and it's their first online workshop endeavor.

It's also time for Spooky Mondays! Wendy at Wendy's Adventures in Wonderland is hosting this weekly spooky event. I'm linked! You can link too or just enjoy the party.
How could the creative spirit not move me surrounded by all of this? I pulled out some Halloween supplies and ended up with.... my skeletons out of the closet. Ma Skelly is wearing a black tulle skirt with beaded fringe and a vintage black seam binding sash. Her eyes are orange Swarovski crystals and she's sporting a little black rose on her skull. Pa Skelly is styling in his black tophat and fiber scarf. He has jet black Swarovski crystal eyes and is holding a fabric bat banner. Winged Grandma Skelly is hovering overhead. She just loves that tinsel bat wand! I plan on listing each individually in my etsy shop but can't devote any more time to computer today. Email me if you're interested. $5 each plus $2s/h.

Candlelight goes without saying for All Hallow's Eve festivities. I repurposed this metal candle holder, complete with wax drippings and imperfections (adds to the creepiness) with an altered skelly, Halloween webbing and plastic spider. Everything is securely wedged in place but I didn't permanently adhere it allowing for repositioning. This piece is $8 plus $3s/h.I am a major tag addict with a million ideas whirling in my head; have been able to produce one so far. $3 includes shipping and handling.
Vintage bingo board from an old Milton Bradley game. Would be great as a cover for an altered Halloween book or use as a wall hanging. $4 includes shipping and handling.

Whew! Did I mention a giveaway? Here's how to play:
Leave a comment and say which you'd like to win-skelly, tags or bingo board. You're entered once.
Become or let me know you're already a follower, in addition to your comment and you're entered twice.
Grab my button or (hopefully coming soon), my Halloween Giveaway button linking back to me, in addition to all the above and you're entered three times.
No need to leave me multiple comments. I'll be happy to breakdown your entries from one comment.
I will randomly choose ONE winner on October 1st and that person will receive either one, two or all three goodies. I'll even custom make the skelly to your specifications. Please, no requests for diamond stud eyes-LOL.
Back to work, lots more to come......


  1. Like your new header. Very fall. I like the bingo card. I am already a follower.


  2. I would like to win any of those things but I love the skellys. I am also a follower!! I can't wait for Halloween.

  3. I love your header and what you did with the little skeletons-soooo cute!

  4. Love the new fall header I'v changed mine too .. I would love Mr. win shelly to come to my house i think he would fit in .... I'm already and follower and i have your old button... can't wait to see the new one , have you seen mine it moves.... pop over i'v not see you for ages.... hugs wendy at

  5. You are so getting me in the mood for a little spooky! Hard to choose but the bingo card is calling to me! But then the tag and skeletons would fit in my decor perfectly!

    I'm a follower and will wait for your new button!

  6. Love your new banner! I have following and am so happy that I do or I might have missed this fabulous display of spooky art! Love it!

  7. Those skeleton fairies are just "to die for!"

  8. Amazing creative skeletons - and such spooky fun! Adore your tags and can't wait to see more - I just started following you!


  9. Yay...what a beautiful blog..and a wonderfully spooky monday post!Thanks for inviting me! Your creations are spectacular..and super-magical! You are so super generous..lovely giveaway.. they are all beautiful.

  10. Ok girl.
    I am just sooooo Crazy excited about everything new on your blog.
    First- I love the little family of Skelly's. Especially that Mr. Skelly with his great hat.
    Second- I am a follower and could not be more happy that I am.
    Third- Girl, I was all over those awesome new buttons to take back and decorate my blog with, even before knowing about a giveaway.
    I absolutely adore your new header and all of the buttons.

    I am so glad you are joining me for Spooky Mondays, and I have just been waiting to get paid for the on line Romantic Ghost classes and I am headed on over to join the Victorian Cuff Swap

    And your Rosette is absolutely gorgeous.
    Spells and Wishes,
    Wendy from wonderland

  11. I would definitely LoVe a skelly! And I'm already a follower!

    I'd like to put your button on my blog sidebar but I'm not quite sure how to make it link back to your site without the html code...any suggesttions?

    Thanks for hosting the Spooky giveaway!

  12. Hi JoAnne, love your new blog look! I'm linking your giveaway to my blog today...Hugs!!

  13. I adore Halloween and I adore all your Halloween goodies. I'll post on my sidebar, already a follower! Of course those Skellies are my Fav!!!! Whooooooooo
    now I need to check out all these other site, I have been creating so many Halloween things this yer. I'm ready!!!!

  14. Thank you for letting me know about your giveaway So sweet!. Love the fall transition of your blog!

    Please enter me, and of course I am a follower.

  15. Hi Jo Anna,
    all of your Halloween Goodies look wonderful!I just Iove Ma Skelly!
    Love your new header too.
    I'm a follower and I'll put your button on my side bar.

  16. Hello, I just found you through the Spooky Mondays. I love grandma skeleton with her wings but my favorite is the candle holder. I am loving finding new bloggers who like Halloween too.

  17. I got here so late for Spooky Mondays that it's almost time for it again. I LOVE all your Halloween treasures. The skellys, rosette and tags are just enchnating. And your header and blog are simply wonderful. See you again soon! I'm also a happy follower.

  18. What fun! I haven't redecorated my blog yet but I hope I can snag your Halloween countdown button!

  19. Thanks for entering my giveaway! I love all your creations here but if I had to choose just would be your lovely tags!! I'm allready a follower too.


  20. what a great blog post and what a great lot of goodies you have! i'd want to win the bingo card if i get picked. i'm already a follower and have your older button on my blog but will grab your halloween button when it becomes available. xo! michele

  21. Just found your blog via Cape Cod Rambling Rose - love it! When you have time please check out and follow my new blog! Thank you, I enjoyed my visit today!

  22. Love the Bingo Card. What great Halloween items.

    Just became a follower and will also be posting about your giveaway on my sidebar.

    Irma :)

  23. I'm a new follower at Ocean Breezes & Country Sneezes blog.

    Your blog looks like a fun read. Cheers!

  24. I had not thought of crystals for skelly eyes. I may have to give my bone men some glamour and sparkle.

    I like the tags, but also skellys (any kind) and the bingo card would be welcome as well.

  25. OH I love Halloween and halloween goodies! Also love your blog! I am so glad I came across it. I shall certainly follow you:)

  26. Oooooh love the skellys. I'm a new follower.

  27. I just became a follower and love the tags! And the bingo card? Yea, bingo card! OMG love them all!

  28. I Grabbed your Button but forgot to Enter!
    Have a Wonderful Week!

  29. Oh I love all the things, but the tags especially. Also I am becoming a follower!

  30. I'm actually here 'cause of the Rosette swap. Love your blog and LOVE those skellys!! all of them!!
    Thanks for the giveaway

  31. I am also now a follower here
    thanks again

  32. Your things are so cute. I guess I'd like the tag...I don't make these kinds of things! Very nice.

  33. I am a tag person, too. Please count me in! I'm a new follower, thank you.


  34. I love all of your Halloween goodies. I especially like the Halloween bingo card! Your blog header is wonderful!!

  35. Oh, my goodness... I just came across you blog, Love it!
    I did "Grab your button" and I am signing up to follow!
    Have a wonderful day!

  36. I love all of them...but I'd love the bingo card! Happy Halloween-time! xo natalea

  37. Joanne,
    I love your bingo board! Actually all of your creations are wonderful!!!! I am following you (in my spookiest voice)
    Halloween ((Hugs)),

  38. Just found your blog and signed up to follow. I love the tags. The header is so very cool.

  39. How fun. I LOVE the tag! I am a new follower too
    (btw, thanks for following my new blog -you are a dear)

    I wanted to add the badge, but there wasn't any code to copy? Unless I am doing it wrong - LOL

  40. Your creations are great and I am so glad that I linked up to this post through Some days are diamonds blog. I would love to win the tag. I am on my way to become a follower and will post your giveaway on my sidepost of my blog at

    Thanks for the chance to win and have some fun at the same time!

    Take care~ Sherry

  41. Hey your new look..I want to win your Bingo card , so cute love it!!! And I joined to follow your blog..yeah!


  42. Hi there!
    Thanks for the info on how to add the badge......every time I tried, the photo wouldn't load - always said it was I am just going to add your blog badge instead! :)

  43. Hi we just become your next new follower, love your blog, and would like the opportunity to win any of your tags or Skelly they are so cute. Come visit us will put up your button in our blog.


    Maria & Ruth

  44. Oh I love the skelly. Please enter me. I'm running right now to become a follower.

  45. I LOVE Mr Skelly!!! I'd buy him if I were allowed to (we are supposed to be cleaning out and up the house so we can sell and downsize) But he is sooo FAB with that top hat!! I am a follower. you are on my side bar and i love halloween!

  46. Goodness gracious, I love those Skellies! I am following you and I grabbed that beautiful button right away for my blog! Would love to win! Come visit!

  47. I have been a your stuff :D i'd like to have those skellys handing around my house!!!

    HUGS ~victoria~

  48. i love all of the halloween items... they are beautiful.

  49. I do love the tag! It shows a bit of the "pretty" side of Halloween!

  50. I grabbed your button...Thanks so much...Looking forward to participating in your giveaway...I am a newbie and just love your blog!

  51. JoAnne,
    Your tag, is so much beautifull, even a bit scarry with the bats swirling around that poor womans head!!!!I would love to winn that, if at any chance I am one of the lucky winners.
    I am a follower, too :)

  52. I love Ma and Pa Skelly! Love your blog too!

  53. I'm your newest follower. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  54. I am so glad you stopped by. I am always in awe of the creativity out here in blog land and yours is right up there at the top. Love everything. That bingo board really is cute and if you can enter me in you give-away I would love it. And I am a follower. Happy Weekend ~ Lynn at the vintagenest

  55. P.s. Love your pumpkin coach banner. :)

  56. Hi Love your banner it is awesome. I have just become a follower and look forward to seeing what you create next. I would love the bingo card!!

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Please enter me for your fabulous giveway! I am also a new follower. Happy October! :)mercedes

  59. nice header
    I love the skelly so cool and im a follower

  60. I couldn't find my comment here lol... So I thought I would leave another one... Hope you don't mind. I love the cards that you did... I wish I was that artistic. I put your giveaway button on my sidebar, I will begin following in just a moment (unless I already am and forgot lol), you know about me blogging about your giveaway, and I'll also add your regular blog button to my button exchange. Thanks for letting me enter! I'm excited!!!

  61. The Bingo Card is such a clever idea... sign me up plz!

  62. I've put the giveaway button with a link back here on my blog sidebar!

  63. Oh please enter me in your giveaway! DH is on the mend from his recent stroke and I'm finally getting back into the swing of things!

  64. i would love to when the bingo card, pick me!!!

  65. I announced your giveaway on one of my blogs now and will have it up on the other soon.

  66. I love them all, but I especially love the tags. I'm a follower and I'll be adding your link/button.

    Lisa Kay

  67. Tag-riffic! Spooky and wonderful. I just discovered you yesterday and am signing on as a follower as soon as I complete this comment. - Amy Bauer

  68. Hi Gal!
    I did it and much to my amazement...I think the link works! I wanted to get in line next to another Bauer!! Love the Bingo Card....actually love your whole blog. Thank you for thinking of us out here in blogland!
    Kit Bauer

  69. These are all so cute! I love them all, but that bingo card really speaks to me.

    I've started to follow you, and posted your badge on my site - looking forward to peeking in often!

  70. I really love your blog and I am now a follower. Great work and soooo spooky wonderful. I would love to be entered in your contest.

  71. Love the Skelly, love it all actually ;) I am a follower and have linked to your site here as well! Enjoy!

  72. Just found your blog, and have become a follower. I love your style.
    Congratulations on your six month anniversary! I am new to blogging, but have been putting a lot of effort in. I would love to make some new friends, too. I would be delighted to win anyone of the prizes, but especially the tag. I love fall and fall decorations.I will put your button on my sidebar. Thank you.

  73. I'm already a follower!

    I think my fave is the vintage bingo card!
