Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tis Better to Give (but still fun to receive)

I really am one of those people who never win anything - UNTIL NOW!!!! I won the giveaway at Carol's crafty blog, Prairie Dreams.
Carol made this very sweet paper doll and darling altered book, and packed them up with some wonderful vintage music books and vintage tablet. She also included two handcrafted clips.
As if this wasn't enough, I am also the happy recipient of this gorgeous collage.
It's like it was custom-made for me. Birds, eggs, vintage music, lace; all my faves.
Thank you so much Carol!
Now it's time for my Grab A Button giveaway. And the winner is
Cathee of Art And Soul
See Cathee, jumping in at the last minute is better than not jumping at all! I'll get all of this out to you just as soon as you email me your address.
Thanks to each and every one who visits my blog. Whether you slip in quietly, leave a comment or grab my button, your time spent here is much appreciated.


  1. YEAH FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!! wow what a great party it has been to meet and see all of the girls of blog land and to top it off I win a prize..yippeee! AND I love buttons..will email you my addy...

  2. A big congratulations to you both! How fun!!!

  3. Congratulations for being a winner and to the winner! I had my heart set own the sewing stuff! poop

  4. congratulations! i'm gonna follow you too my dear! ;-)

  5. Congrats to Cathee and to you too for your sweet win.
    I think you went from 2 to 96 bloggers in 30 seconds! YEAH!!!!!!

  6. I had to visit and tell you how lovely your blog button is ~ I just love it! Looks like you are having a wonderful summer Danielle! Wishing you many blessings ~ Katie

  7. Thanks for posting about your giveaway win. I really appreciated that. You are going to love KC's DVD's. I watched the Collage camp dvd 4 times already and have now started the first step. Hugs, Carol Mae

  8. I just came on to say "hi!" Hope all is going great!

  9. Your gonna laugh but I already follow your blog via google reader :)) I just follow so many that by time I read them all I have no time left for posting : / that is what I get for being such a blog hog :)) anyway you mentioned that you grabbed my button and I would love to give you a digi collage sheet... just stop by and send me an email so I know the one you would like and know where to send it :)
    Artful hugs!
