Sunday, April 11, 2010

Never Knew How Fond I Was of Blue

My friend Tom, upon viewing some of my recent artwork, commented that blue must be my favorite color. I never thought it was. Do I even have a favorite color?
I signed up for another Paper Whimsy Ning Group swap - My Whimsical & Enchanted Room. The challenge was to take a favorite fairytale, poem or story and create a whimsical and enchanted room. Choosing the theme was easy. I knew immediately Thumbelina was the tale I wanted to depict. I shopped the Paper Whimsy store for some new digital collage sheets, hauled out the massive art supplies and proceeded to create, and re-create, and re-create. Initially, I was working in browns and oranges. Okay, but not exactly what I envisioned. Got into some pinks and purples. That wasn't working for me at all. Blue! What about blues? It made me laugh, but it was just what I was looking for.
So, yes, for now anyway, blue is my favorite color.


  1. HEY KNOW I love Thumbelina and what you made for PW.
    AND I love your blog. YES, blue is YOU so go with it!
    Thanks for posting on my blog about the ATC's. I'm a crazed woman ~ and the weather is awful so I'm inside playing in the studio.
    Looking forward to seeing more of your blog, your art, and YOU!

  2. Oh this is stunning!!!! Absolutely gorgeous!!! So glad I ran across your blog! :D Marva
