Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Celebrate the Sisterhood

Today is my 6 month Blogiversary! 6 months ago to the day I reluctantly wrote my first post. Yes, I was a hesitant blogger.
My original thought was maybe I could blog and that would draw people in to my etsy. (Let's be honest, a lot of us artsy types begin for that reason.) But something strange happened along the way. I had little interest in listing anything in my shop despite the fact I'm a frequent etsy visitor and purchaser. I think I've listed 6 things in the last 6 months, but I'm blogging my little heart out on a regular basis!
I've made connections with people all over the world who share common interests. I've been encouraged to think and create ouside my comfort zone. I've embraced the joy of swapping. I've been inspired, I mean deeply inspired by what you, my new blogging friends share. I've shared in your successes, your fears, your joys with sincere interest and concern. I've experienced that same sincere interest and concern in return. There is a camaraderie that I never anticipated but am so overjoyed to have found.
Each of you-the frequent visitor, the swap partner, the casual visitor, the one time commenter-has touched and enriched my life. Your blogs have made me laugh, cry, pray and rejoice.
So 6 months in (and 200 followers later!!!), please accept my gratitude. I am humbled by your kind and generous spirits.

Let's celebrate the sisterhood! I would like to do another giveaway. I'll put the deadline out a little longer because the winner for the Halloween Giveaway isn't selected until this Friday.
Simply leave a comment. If you would like to become a follower or grab my button that's great, but to be entered simply comment after this post. The prize? It will be something JUST FOR YOU. I would like to make up a little gift package based on what I know about you from your blog. Comment anytime through the month of October and the winner will be announced the first week of November.

Side note: I do my best to respond to comments and questions, but have a computer issue that often restricts my ability to respond. I can't click on an "email me" or "send a message" through google connect. A message pop up says "client default not properly installed", so when possible I respond on your blog. Some of you I haven't been able to locate though. A friend will be looking at the problem and hopefully be able to correct it soon. In the interim, if you'd like, drop me an email and we'll chat.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

TAG, You're It!

Well one of you will be "it" for sure this Friday when random.org does it's thing and selects the winner of my Halloween Giveaway. And this is the final Spooky Monday before the giveaway so I thought I'd play a game of Halloween tag before naming who's "it".
I ink aged some standard shipping tags and stamped with one of my favorite Halloween verses,
took a few more and inked and stamped and collaged a little,
then tied them together making a spooky tag book.

And for my prefer-vintage-over-spooky friends, these tags are for you!
So if you want a chance to be tagged, and haven't entered yet, you can do it HERE.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Nothing Says Autumn Like Coin Envelopes

Starting with some unassuming coin envelopes, I inked, stamped, collaged and embellished.....

punched some holes, tied the envies together with fibers, and ta-da..... an envelope book!

I'm linked to the Autumn Art Party, where you'll find all kinds of wonderful autumn and Halloween creations. If you're a first time visitor from that party, welcome! I hope you'll browse through my other Halloween posts and enter my Halloween Giveaway during your visit.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Another Happy Spooky Monday

And so soon! This week really got away from me and I have no new spooky creations to share, but I couldn't pass on Spooky Monday. So I resurrected some pics from a book page swap I took part in last year. We all purchased the same book which had different size and shape pages. Each was to be done Halloweenish and the hostess swapped out the pages so you received one of each shape, all from different people, in return.
I had a lot of fun with these!

If you haven't entered my giveaway, there's still time. Read all about it HERE.
To visit my other Spooky Monday friends, click HERE.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

It's a Magical & Very Enchanted Halloween Party

You don't want to miss this one! It's the third annual bash hosted by Vanessa at A Fanciful Twist.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Let Me Introduce You to Some of My Spooky Friends

Don't be frightened,they're all "dolls"!
Ms. Kitty, Queen of Halloween


Hank, The Halloween Clown

Porkchop (yes, a Halloween pig)

Batty Cat

Happy Jack

Festiva Feline

I hope you enjoyed meeting my friends on this fine Spooky Monday. I certainly enjoyed making and sharing them with you. Be sure to visit my other spooky friend, Wendy,and see what she's whipped up for this week. You'll also find links to the other Spooky Monday participants on her blog.

And if you haven't entered my Halloween Giveaway yet, what are you waiting for? Click HERE!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Lovely, Lucky Lavendar

I know, you're accustomed to seeing lavendar spelled lavendEr. However my new friend Deborah is attempting to bring back the romantic, old world spelling of lavendAr. And who am I to argue with someone who has gifted me with the lovliest of lavendar?
I happened across Deborah's blog, Starry Night Impressions and was drawn to this wonderful post about her trip to a lavendar farm-and she was having a giveaway. Lucky me, I won! I wish I could share the scent of this lavendar harvest with each of you, but do the next best thing and take her lavendar farm tour.
Thanks again Deborah!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Feeling a Little Witchy, Wonderfully Witchy That Is!

Happy Spooky Monday & welcome to week 2 of the Halloween Giveaway! I'll pull entries from ANY Spooky Monday post to enter you in my giveaway.
1. Leave a comment under ANY Spooky Monday post - you're entered once.
2. Comment and follow me - you're entered twice.
3. Blog about the contest or post my Halloween Giveaway button (please help me spread the word & fun!) linked back to me -you're entered three times.

ONE winner will be selected by random.org on October 1. That person will receive 1, 2 or all 3 prizes (plus some surprise extras!) based on their number of entries. To see the giveaway goodies scroll down to my August 30th post or click here.

Feeling a little wonderfully witchy yourself now? Then enjoy these vintage Halloween witch postcard freebies.

Stay in the Halloween spirit and visit Wendy, our Spooky Monday hostess and all her other spooky friends!